
IM Training Blog w/c 07.03.22

After The Grizzly on the previous Sunday this week was always going to be a bit of a slow builder while I gave my body some time to recover. I was honestly expecting to feel a little worse after all those miles and hills but I’m generally ok. A little…

IM Training Blog w/c 28.02.22

This week was a tense one. Sunday saw the arrival of my first big race of the season, The Grizzly, and the first big test for my foot. Since my initial sit down with my CrossFit coach, Kerry, back in January, when we agreed I’d take a small step back…

IM Training Blog w/c 21.02.22

This week saw the start of the CrossFit Open. I wasn’t going to join in the fun this year, apart from as a Judge, as it detracts from my primary goal but when my box said they were going to run an In House Comp and all proceeds would be…

IM Training Blog w/c 14.02.22

This week I had my first dark day. My foot has been playing up more than usual and I was still a week away from treatment. I knew I had to cut back the running and thats not great for someone less than 5 months away from a 140.6, with…

IM Training Blog w/c 07.02.22

This biggest thing this week I re-engaged with my Nutrition Coach, Demi @ Deep Health Nutrition, as I’m still dropping weight quite quick due to the 75Hard and the increased training levels that come from IM training. I’m hitting protein goals (30% of daily intake every day) and I am…

IM Training Blog w/c 31.01.22

Start of the week brings me to 31 Days complete of the 75Hard challenge. This means I still need to hit the 2 x 45 minute workouts, one must be outdoors and they must not be consecutive rule so most days, due to bricking a lot of my sessions, my…

IM Training Blog w/c 24.01.22

Week 2 – Completed Last week in my first IM training blog of 2022 I outlined my approach for this 6 month block of training, which will take me from 0 to 140.6. There isn’t really much to say about this week so on to the specifics: Mon9:30am Outdoor Upper…

IM Training Blog w/c 17.01.22

First week of proper, focussed training. As we know, I am not going to quit CrossFit, as I love it and its been proven again and again that it works to build a brilliant training base encompassing strength, speed, power and overall conditioning. My aim for this 6 month training…

IM Training Log w/c 02.03.20

No body comp stats this week as Sunday morning is my check in and we were in Devon. Mon: 12:15pm Total Body Conditioning Simple yet effective work… the shit that gets yo fit (if you hit it hard enough); 35 minutes of Row, Bike, Ski – 40 secs on, 20…

IM Training Log w/c 24.02.20

Body Comp Stats Weight: 75.1kg (-1.0kg)Body Fat %: 28 (-0.3)Muscle %: 33.8 (+/- 0) Mon: 12:30pm 6 Hour Hell Session Kerry (my coach for you new readers) kindly agreed to do this once a month for me and this one came around real quick. I felt a bit like I had…

IM Training Log w/c 17.02.20

Body Comp Stats Weight: 76.1kg (+0.5kg)Body Fat %: 28.3 (-0.6)Muscle %: 33.8 (+0.4) Mon: 12:15pm Total Body Conditioning Come on, you know it by now… Monday = Row, Bike Ski 🙂Today it was 1 min Row, Bike, Ski, 2 min, 3 min, 4min and back down. No rest and, as those…

IM Training Log w/c 10.02.20

*No body stats this week. Storm Dennis kicked in and I couldn’t be fudged to go down to the studio in that just to stand on the scales. I can wait until next week! Mon: 12:15pm Total Body Conditioning Back to our regular scheduled programming, meaning Monday = Row, Bike,…

IM Training Log w/c 03.02.20

Body Comp Stats Weight: 75.5kg (-0.1kg)Body Fat %: 28.9 (-0.1)Muscle %: 33.4 (+/- 0) This week is my first de-load week of the year and after a hell session on Monday and 33 mile Ultra on Sunday man, did I need it! Mon: Rest Day Normally the day after a marathon/ultra…

IM Training Log w/c 27.01.20

Body Comp Stats My weigh in is on a Sunday morning at the end of each week and as we were out the door at 6am on Sunday for an Ultra race I didn’t weigh in! Mon: 12:15pm 6 Hour Hell Session Last Monday of each month between now and the…

IM Training Log w/c 20.01.20

Body Comp Stats Weight: 75.6kg (-0.4kg)Body Fat %: 29 (+/- 0)Muscle %: 33.4 (+/- 0) Mon: 12.15pm Total Body Conditioning 10 Rounds of 40 seconds on 20 seconds off; Row, Bike Ski, Rest. That rest minute meant that each 40 seconds of work should be a hard effort. I tried but…

IM Training Log w/c 13.01.20

Body Comp Stats Weight: 76kg (-2.2kg)Body Fat %: 29 (-+2.6)Muscle %: 33.4 (+0.3) Mon: 12.15pm Total Body Conditioning You know the drill as well as I do now… Monday = Row, Bike, Ski. This week we had a little twist, meaning we also did a little bit of running. We worked…

IM Training Log w/c 06.01.20

Body Comp Stats Weight: 78.2 kg (+0.9kg)Body Fat %: 26.4 (- 4.1)Muscle %: 33.1 (+2.5)* Take a moment to digest these figures. I am constantly talking to my clients about the fact that the scales won’t always accurately represent your journey, especially if you are training hard and fuelling efficiently. If…

IM Training Log w/c 30.12.19

Body Comp Stats Yes, Christmas did have a negative effect on the fat and muscle. Weight didn’t change though, once again proving you shouldn’t pay too much attention to the scales. Weight: 77.3kgFat%: 30.5%Muscle: 30.6% This week brings the start of my fully planned training plan. I have mapped out…

IM Training Log w/c 02/12/19

* I am not including the classes I coach in this training log (apart from my indoor cycle classes) but for reference I also coach 2 Insanity, 2 Boxercise, 1 LBT, 1 Core Strength and 1 Tabata class a week between Tuesday and Friday. This week saw the return of…

IM Training Log w/c 25/11/19

* I am not including the classes I coach in this training log (apart from my indoor cycle classes) but for reference I also coach 2 Insanity, 2 Boxercise, 1 LBT, 1 Core Strength and 1 Tabata class a week between Tuesday and Friday. This week was a planned light…