
Walk Your Way to Faster Running

The Surprising Strategy That’s Boosting Speed for Runners at Every Level Running faster isn’t just about pushing harder – sometimes, it’s about knowing when to slow down. Enter the run/walk method, a training technique that’s revolutionising how runners of all levels approach speed improvement.  While it may seem counterintuitive to…

Periodisation Deep Dive

Cracking the Code: 8 Periodization Models to Revolutionize Your Training Ever wonder how top athletes seem to peak at just the right moment? The answer lies in a powerful training strategy called periodisation. This systematic approach to planning workouts isn’t just for Olympians—it’s a game-changer for athletes at all levels….

Fuel Up to Smash Your Endurance Goals:

Carb-Load Like a Pro! Whether you’re lining up for a marathon, ultra-endurance event, or all-day sufferfest, proper pre-race nutrition can be the difference between bonking at the wall and unlocking next-level performance. While pretty much all endurance athletes understand the importance of staying fuelled during an event, I find that…

Supercompensation – the effective but counterintuitive training methodology.

As we know, the human body has an incredible ability to adapt and become stronger in response to the physical demands placed upon it. This adaptive process, when done specifically, is known as supercompensation. It is a fundamental principle that underpins effective training for athletes across a wide range of…

Avoiding the Euphoria-Despair Roller Coaster in Endurance Racing

As I approach a weekend with a DB Athlete undertaking another massive challenge (their second 100 mile Ultra in 6 weeks) the subject of managing your mindset during a BIG event is clearly on my mind. So… I’m sharing one of my favourite concepts, first introduced to me by ‘The…

The Importance of Periodisation in Endurance Training

Periodisation… a term every endurance athlete has probably heard but it is obvious from many conversations I have had recently that few actually understand what it is all about. Even if you have a coach who plans your training it is still beneficial for you to have a basic understanding…

Monitoring and Managing Fatigue in Endurance Training

Building on from the previous DB Conversation, All About Stress ( I am going address the importance of monitoring and managing fatigue levels during endurance training. This topic aligns nicely with the discussion about balancing training stress and recovery, managing the body’s finite energy source, and optimising performance and adaptation…

All About Stress

To fully understand fitness and how to make lasting and meaningful changes to your endurance you really have to understand the key concepts of stress and recovery. Training is just a form of stress and training stress refers to the physical and mental demands placed on the body during exercise…

Train your breathing for better race results

Last week I gave you some insights into why how you breathe really does matter if you want to take your endurance performance to the next level. If you missed it, you can read it here This week I am going to give you some practical tips and exercises to…

Does how you breathe really matter?

In short, Yes! Now for the longer answer: The more efficient your breathing the better you will perform. In endurance aerobic capacity is such a key element of your fitness. Oxygen is your primary energy source and your heart rate spikes when your brain doesn’t know when the next hit…

Unlocking Your Athletic Potential: Nature vs. Nurture

A thought-provoking question recently popped up in my Instagram inbox, courtesy of one of my athletes: “Is athletic success determined by genetics or mental toughness?” It sparked a lively debate, prompting me to delve into this topic for this week’s blog. Firstly, it’s crucial to acknowledge that opinions on this…

Recovery: The Unsung Hero of Triumphs

Embrace the lows, they’re the launchpad to your highs. The 5th Training Principle of Different Breed focuses on recovery and understanding that the highs and the successes are only possible due to the dips and the down time. This can be one of the hardest things for some athletes to…

Build Consistently, Adapt Relentlessly

The 4th Training Principle of Different Breed focuses on being consistent with your training, but also being adaptable and not letting life’s curveballs completely derail your progress. We all know that sometimes ‘life gets in the way” but having a solid plan in place and building commitment and discipline is…

Minimum effort. Maximum Impact

Now, don’t get it twisted when reading that headline… I am not saying minimum effort as in you can sand bag your training sessions. What I am talking about it the Minimal Dose Response, the third training principle of Different Breed. Endurance training aims to improve the body’s ability to…

Specificity is KING for Endurance

Your ability to sustain is your ticket to success and is the substance behind my second principle of training. You must adapt, endure and then you can conquer. Specificity develops the physiological capacities, technical skills and fortitude in the exact muscles, energy systems and movements needed to excel in your…

Strength Reigns Supreme in Endurance

This week we are going to delve a little bit deeper into the first training principle of Different Breed: Strength Reigns Supreme in Endurance. To excel in your chosen endurance sport you obviously need to practise the disciplines of your sport and build an extraordinary level of fitness in all…

The 5 Pillars of the DB Training Methodology

I had a great response to my New Year’s message email earlier this week and some of you shared some really inspiring “word for 2024” Better. Balance. Focus. Energy. Achieve. These are just a few. Hold on to your word and use it to shape and guide your year. As…

The Three Biggest Mistakes Endurance Athletes make…

I was recently interviewed for a magazine and one of the questions I was asked was: Q: What are the biggest mistakes people make with their overall endurance training? As this is clearly such an important topic I thought I would share my answers with you here 🙂 A: People…

Mastering the SAID Principle for Endurance Training Success

The SAID principle stands for Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands. It is a key training principle for endurance that states your body will adapt specifically to the type of training you do. Some key points about the SAID principle: Your body adapts to the specific demands and stresses placed on…

Mastering Heart Rate Zones for Peak Endurance Performance

Over the past couple of weeks we have been discussing Lactate Threshold Testing and why using your Lactate Threshold is better for endurance training than Max Heart Rate. Now you know how to test and how to set your zones, here is some information about how to use those zones…