
IM Training Blog w/c 07.03.22

March 14, 2022 // Liza Smith

After The Grizzly on the previous Sunday this week was always going to be a bit of a slow builder while I gave my body some time to recover. I was honestly expecting to feel a little worse after all those miles and hills but I’m generally ok. A little tired but thats about it. My foot feels no different to how it did a week ago so it’s still all systems go!

Mon – Rest Day
6pm – Restorative Yoga (via Down Dog App)
*Just a 45 min easy restorative yoga session this evening, rather than Yin as this is very gentle, after a nice long dog walk in the morning.

Tues – Rest Day
8:45 – Yin Yoga via Down Dog App
*Another day of dog walking and Yoga… feeling good and ready to get back to it.

6:45am – Coach by Colour Indoor Cycle Class (as Coach)
*Week 12 of 12; The Vortex. A max interval session. 4 min blocks of 105% FTP+ holding 85/90RPM with increasing amounts of full recovery down in the white zone.

7:40am – 2 mile Brick Run
*Easy 2 miles of the bike with George, one of my Forza Performance clients who also attends my Indoor Cycle classes.

12:30pm – CrossFit Class
50-40-30-20-10 Kettlebell Swing, Sit Up +30 Double Under each rd
*If there was a workout made for me, this would be it. I can’t swim this week as I had my hair done on Monday and I cant get it wet for a week so the stars aligned and gifted me this joy of a wod. I’d gone to the box with the thought of RX’ing this one as DU’s are the one RX skill I have. However, I’d expected the RX KB weight to be 20kg and it was 24! Luckily Pam (good friend and owner of Big Croc) was in the class and convinced me to go for it still… she RX’d it with me saying “we can fuck ourselves up together” and sometimes you need someone like this around you to give you that push. I am very much a coward when it comes to a lot of CrossFit and one of the things I’m working on is to try and be braver.

12:30pm – CrossFit Conditioning Class
40 Min EMOM- Min 1-3 30 sec on (you can do 40 but this is active recovery for me), Min 4- 60s
1; Plate Ground to Overhead,  2; Burpee to Plate, 3; Goblet Squat, 4; Alt Run. Row, Bike Ski 5; Rest
*No, I didn’t swim today either. The sessions available didn’t fit my day so easy indoor conditioning it is.

6:30pm – Coach by Colour Indoor Cycle Class (as Coach)
*Same as Weds am.

12:30pm – CrossFit Open 22.3
This wod is too long to write in full so you can go find it elsewhere online if you really care.
*I completed the first set of thrusters and single unders and spent about 10 minutes fighting to get 10 Pull Ups out.
The video of my struggle to get these pull ups out is on my socials if you want to giggle -they are not pretty but they were effort!

2:00pm – Just Move EMOM with Head Coach Toby (and James & the hubby)
30 Min EMOM
1:16 DB Snatch 2: 20 Air Squat 3: 14 Hang Power Clean 4: 16 Down Up 5: “Recovery” Assault Bike

8am – CrossFit Class, Partner WOD with Si
25 Min AMRAP; 400m run together then 20 Weighted Box Step Up, 30 DB Snatch, 40 Cal Row, 30 KBS, 20 Devil Press (split reps)
* I’d planned for this to be an easy, light recovery session but as often happens with Si and I, we went all in and pushed each other to the max. I didn’t go super heavy but I didn’t go as light as I’d planned.

9am -7k Row with Si
I’d planned to run after class but Si said he was doing a row instead so I jumped in on that instead 🙂

5:45pm – 45 Min C2 Bike (easy recovery)
As I haven’t finished the 75hard yet I still needed an outdoor workout to meet the rules for the day so I dragged the C2 bike into the garden, set up the 2018 CF Games film on my iPad and just peddled. No stress, just moving.

Sun – Extra Rest Day
5:45pm – Restorative Yoga via Down Dog App
* I was feeling VERY beaten up today so I gave myself permission to take life easy. I got up with the dog at 6am and we went for a gorgeous 2 hour walk around Staunton Park and The Thicket before the rest of Havant woke up and then a yoga session in the evening.
Even though these yoga sessions are low intensity I am feeling the benefits greatly as my mobility has improved no end since discovering Down Dog. My squat form continues to get better and better and I am definitely more flexible. It really is time well spent.

About Liza Smith

Liza: The Endurance Expert – Unlock Your Peak Athletic Potential!

Dedicated to endurance, particularly in extreme events like Ironman, OCR and Ultras, Liza stands out not just as a coach but as an emblem of determination and tenacity.

With a reputation for moulding winners and transforming raw potential into prowess, Liza is the top pick for those aspiring to reign supreme in their sport.

Liza’s coaching philosophy centres on the power of the mind. Her five pillars – Control the Controllable, Find the Positive, Focus on You, 100% Effort, and Extreme Ownership – guide athletes to both mental and physical excellence.

Whether you're just starting out or vying for the gold, Liza ensures your hard work delivers results. Train with Liza and unleash the ultimate athlete within you.

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