First up – let’s be really clear about what Menopause is.
It’s the end of a woman’s fertility and therefore, her menstrual cycle.
Menopause is one moment in time which signifies the absence of periods for 1 full year. It happens naturally with age but can also stem from surgery, illness or treatment of a disease.
Before this moment, once you start experiencing symptoms, you are perimenopausal and after that moment you are post menopausal.
The age at which you will hit menopause is mostly determined by your genes.
Lets examine the three stages:
This stage begins the you start noticing symptoms. The average age for women to hit this stage is 47 but it can start earlier or later. During this phase you can still get pregnant.
That one date in time that signifies the absence of periods for one year. At this point your ovaries are no longer make estrogen and progesterone, the two hormones required for fertility.
Once you have hit menopause, you are into postmenopause.
The Symptoms
When occurring naturally the first sign is usually an irregular menstrual cycle. The average length of time to experience perimenopause is within 4 years from your first symptoms but, as we are now talking more about this major facet of women health we are learning that so many people are affected in different ways.
There are cases of teenage girls going through the menopause, women in their 30’s experiencing perimenopausal symptoms that last well in to their 40’s.
Whatever your experience knowledge is power so the more you can learn about what is going on, the better.
Alongside the irregular cycle there are many common symptoms:
- Hot flashes
- Night sweats
- Mood swings
- Low mood
- Low sex drive
- Painful sex
- Vaginal dryness
- Headaches
- Insomnia
- Brain Fog / Lack of focus and concentration
These symptoms can be so severe that they can massively effect quality of life. Women have believed they were suffering from early onset dementia and some have even felt suicidal.
If you are struggling, please speak up and please get help.
The Identity Shift: Becoming vs. Mimicking an Endurance Athlete
Nutrition Month: Real Results Through Balanced Choices
The Power of Positive Self-Talk: Rewiring Your Mental Game for Endurance Success
Resilience: The Unsung Hero of Endurance Training
The Difference Between Good and Great: One Critical Choice
“The Overlooked Challenge of Endurance Sports: Handling the Post-Race Blues”
The Power of ‘Pause’: Mastering Recovery for Peak Performance.
Beyond “Toughing It Out”: Intelligent Training Through Illness
Debunking Running Terminology: What You Really Need to Know
Be Impressed by intensity, not volume.
Mental Muscles: Visualise Your Way to Endurance Supremacy
S&C – What does the C actually mean?
Rethinking Injury Management:
Walk Your Way to Faster Running
RED-S; Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport
Periodisation Deep Dive
Low Energy Availability (LEA):
How do we burn calories? Let me count the ways…
Fuel Up to Smash Your Endurance Goals:
Supercompensation – the effective but counterintuitive training methodology.
Practical Mental Coping Strategies for Endurance Lows
Avoiding the Euphoria-Despair Roller Coaster in Endurance Racing
The Importance of Periodisation in Endurance Training
Monitoring and Managing Fatigue in Endurance Training
All About Stress
Train your breathing for better race results
Does how you breathe really matter?
Unlocking Your Athletic Potential: Nature vs. Nurture
Recovery: The Unsung Hero of Triumphs
Build Consistently, Adapt Relentlessly
There’s something we don’t often talk about but it can have a major effect on our training and our results and that thing is our menstrual cycle.
Do you really know what happens during your 28 day cycle? Do you understand which hormones are spiking when and what that means for your body and your performance?
I am about to break it down for you so that, being armed with knowledge, you have a better chance of hitting your goals, or you might at least stop you beating yourself up when you don’t (as long as you’ve done the work!)
Here are the things you need to know:
The Phases
The day count of the menstrual cycle begins on the first day of menstruation (the first day of your period).
The cycle has been assumed to be 28 days, which is the average amount for most women.
The entire duration of the cycle is broken down into 4 main phases:
Menstrual phase (From day 1 to 5)
Follicular phase (From day 1 to 13)
Ovulation phase (Day 14)
Luteal phase (Day 15 to 28)
I am not here to give you a biology lesson or talk to you about eggs, ovaries and fallopian tubes. In relation to your training, performance and body composition the phases are the important bit.
The Hormones
There are 4 main hormones involved in your cycle but these are two that you need to understand:
This hormone gets a really bad rep and it’s not really fair. The general consensus is that this hormone is responsible for all the crap we can experience but this just isn’t true.
The truth is that it reduces your appetite, improves insulin sensitivity and can protect you against muscle soreness. This is great news for your diet and your training.
Estrogen is the dominant hormone during the follicular phase and this is when we are at our most productive.
This is actually where you should be directing your anger. It is the dominant hormone during the luteal phase and generally this is when we can find things a struggle.
This is because it can raise our metabolic rate, meaning we usually need between 100 to 300 calories more a day but, thanks to the fact that it makes us insulin resistant (meaning we may not handle carbs as well the in phase and that our sugar cravings are likely to increase) it is common for women to eat around 500 extra calories a day!
How to use this knowledge
Some women will not be affected at all. If you are one of these, count yourselves lucky!
Others will find that they are hugely affected and for you ladies, being aware of what phase you are in may help you manage things better.
If you do find yourself affected by your cycle you may find that, as well as throwing your diet out of balance, your coordination, balance and general ability can also suffer during the luteal phase.
I know that personally, my lifting suffers. In the first two weeks of my cycle I can hit my 1 rep max and if I’m going to get a new PB, it will usually be during this phase. In the last two weeks I can often struggle to get about 80% of my usual lifts. Now that I’m aware though, I don’t beat myself up.
Instead I actually use this info to plan my diet and training around my cycle. I slightly reduce my carbohydrate intake in the luteal phase. I plan my heavy resistance work during the follicular phase and I load more metabolic conditioning type workouts during the luteal phase to increase my calorie burn. All of these actions enhance the positives of my estrogen spike and help to balance out the negatives of my progesterone spike.
The other main consideration is a biggie….
When to measure your progress
If you are tracking your progress with either photos, body measurements or body composition stats (% of fat and muscle) then it makes total sense to ensure that you are in same stage of your cycle when checking yourself. If you take your first measurements in week 1 but then take your next set when you are in week 3 or 4 you could find that you don’t get an accurate reflection of your progress. This may not be because you haven’t done the work or got your diet on point but purely because of your menstrual cycle. Make sure, where possible, you take your stats at the same point every time.
I know sometimes it can suck to be a woman but hopefully this little bit of knowledge can empower you to take back a little bit of control. It has definitely helped me and some of my clients.
The Identity Shift: Becoming vs. Mimicking an Endurance Athlete
Nutrition Month: Real Results Through Balanced Choices
The Power of Positive Self-Talk: Rewiring Your Mental Game for Endurance Success
Resilience: The Unsung Hero of Endurance Training
The Difference Between Good and Great: One Critical Choice
“The Overlooked Challenge of Endurance Sports: Handling the Post-Race Blues”
The Power of ‘Pause’: Mastering Recovery for Peak Performance.
Beyond “Toughing It Out”: Intelligent Training Through Illness
Debunking Running Terminology: What You Really Need to Know
Be Impressed by intensity, not volume.
Mental Muscles: Visualise Your Way to Endurance Supremacy
S&C – What does the C actually mean?
Rethinking Injury Management:
Walk Your Way to Faster Running
RED-S; Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport
Periodisation Deep Dive
Low Energy Availability (LEA):
How do we burn calories? Let me count the ways…
Fuel Up to Smash Your Endurance Goals:
Supercompensation – the effective but counterintuitive training methodology.
Practical Mental Coping Strategies for Endurance Lows
Avoiding the Euphoria-Despair Roller Coaster in Endurance Racing
The Importance of Periodisation in Endurance Training
Monitoring and Managing Fatigue in Endurance Training
All About Stress
Train your breathing for better race results
Does how you breathe really matter?
Unlocking Your Athletic Potential: Nature vs. Nurture
Recovery: The Unsung Hero of Triumphs
Build Consistently, Adapt Relentlessly