Adam (Athlete)

“I’ve been taking part in triathlon for about 10 years with various coaches, But in the last 18 months of working with Liza I’ve actually started to compete. In our first year together, I achieved new heights including an Ironman 70.3 world championship slot! At those World Championships I achieved a Sub 5 hour race!

The one most important thing I can say about Liza is that her belief in her athletes is truly amazing.”

  • Walk Your Way to Faster Running
  • RED-S; Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport
  • Periodisation Deep Dive
  • Low Energy Availability (LEA):
  • How do we burn calories? Let me count the ways…
  • Fuel Up to Smash Your Endurance Goals:
  • Supercompensation – the effective but counterintuitive training methodology.
  • Practical Mental Coping Strategies for Endurance Lows
  • Avoiding the Euphoria-Despair Roller Coaster in Endurance Racing
  • The Importance of Periodisation in Endurance Training
  • Monitoring and Managing Fatigue in Endurance Training
  • All About Stress
  • Train your breathing for better race results
  • Does how you breathe really matter?
  • Unlocking Your Athletic Potential: Nature vs. Nurture
  • Recovery: The Unsung Hero of Triumphs
  • Build Consistently, Adapt Relentlessly
  • Minimum effort. Maximum Impact
  • Specificity is KING for Endurance
  • Strength Reigns Supreme in Endurance
  • The 5 Pillars of the DB Training Methodology
  • The Three Biggest Mistakes Endurance Athletes make…
  • Mastering the SAID Principle for Endurance Training Success
  • Mastering Heart Rate Zones for Peak Endurance Performance
  • Can Herbal Adaptogens help Perimenopause? 
  • HIIT – Are you doing it right?
  • Setting your HR Zones & How to Judge Progress
  • How to Test your Lactate Threshold
  • Why Lactate Threshold trumps Max Heart Rate for Endurance Training
  • Golden Rule #5 Extreme Ownership
  • Chris J (Athlete)

    You’ll find it hard to find a coach that listens to you, that strives to understand your goals and then works as tirelessly to get you where you want to be.

    Sometimes her path may not appear to align with the result (you think) you’re looking for, especially if you’ve been working hard and telling yourself you know what you’re doing. However, the gains, progress and results speak for themselves and you can’t argue with the data, right?

    Basically, you can carry on watching at YouTube, reading and trying new stuff or even hire a cheaper coach, but what you may save in money you will lose in time, results, PBs and the finishes you dream of…

    Get Liza on your side before your competition does.

  • Walk Your Way to Faster Running
  • RED-S; Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport
  • Periodisation Deep Dive
  • Low Energy Availability (LEA):
  • How do we burn calories? Let me count the ways…
  • Fuel Up to Smash Your Endurance Goals:
  • Supercompensation – the effective but counterintuitive training methodology.
  • Practical Mental Coping Strategies for Endurance Lows
  • Avoiding the Euphoria-Despair Roller Coaster in Endurance Racing
  • The Importance of Periodisation in Endurance Training
  • Monitoring and Managing Fatigue in Endurance Training
  • All About Stress
  • Train your breathing for better race results
  • Does how you breathe really matter?
  • Unlocking Your Athletic Potential: Nature vs. Nurture
  • Recovery: The Unsung Hero of Triumphs
  • Build Consistently, Adapt Relentlessly
  • Minimum effort. Maximum Impact
  • Specificity is KING for Endurance
  • Strength Reigns Supreme in Endurance
  • The 5 Pillars of the DB Training Methodology
  • The Three Biggest Mistakes Endurance Athletes make…
  • Mastering the SAID Principle for Endurance Training Success
  • Mastering Heart Rate Zones for Peak Endurance Performance
  • Can Herbal Adaptogens help Perimenopause? 
  • HIIT – Are you doing it right?
  • Setting your HR Zones & How to Judge Progress
  • How to Test your Lactate Threshold
  • Why Lactate Threshold trumps Max Heart Rate for Endurance Training
  • Golden Rule #5 Extreme Ownership
  • George (Athlete)

    I asked for help from Liza over 6 months ago as I am attempting my first Ironman this year.
    She has set me up with everything I need; diet tips, workout plans, motivation in fact the whole package – if you are prepared to commit to the plan, look no further than Forza Performance for great results!

    I have lost 14 kg (2.2 stone), my FTP has increased from 215 to just over 300, I can run further than ever before and seem to break my own records every month – all down to the partnership I have with Liza.

    She understands and cares for my wellbeing, but pushes me the right amount, supports me along the way, even surprises me by turning up at events- best of all she is a really nice person to have in your corner!

  • Walk Your Way to Faster Running
  • RED-S; Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport
  • Periodisation Deep Dive
  • Low Energy Availability (LEA):
  • How do we burn calories? Let me count the ways…
  • Fuel Up to Smash Your Endurance Goals:
  • Supercompensation – the effective but counterintuitive training methodology.
  • Practical Mental Coping Strategies for Endurance Lows
  • Avoiding the Euphoria-Despair Roller Coaster in Endurance Racing
  • The Importance of Periodisation in Endurance Training
  • Monitoring and Managing Fatigue in Endurance Training
  • All About Stress
  • Train your breathing for better race results
  • Does how you breathe really matter?
  • Unlocking Your Athletic Potential: Nature vs. Nurture
  • Recovery: The Unsung Hero of Triumphs
  • Build Consistently, Adapt Relentlessly
  • Minimum effort. Maximum Impact
  • Specificity is KING for Endurance
  • Strength Reigns Supreme in Endurance
  • The 5 Pillars of the DB Training Methodology
  • The Three Biggest Mistakes Endurance Athletes make…
  • Mastering the SAID Principle for Endurance Training Success
  • Mastering Heart Rate Zones for Peak Endurance Performance
  • Can Herbal Adaptogens help Perimenopause? 
  • HIIT – Are you doing it right?
  • Setting your HR Zones & How to Judge Progress
  • How to Test your Lactate Threshold
  • Why Lactate Threshold trumps Max Heart Rate for Endurance Training
  • Golden Rule #5 Extreme Ownership
  • Gary (Athlete)

    I have used Liza to help me achieve numerous goals but mainly the Obstacle Course Racing World Championships.

    She helped me get to a level and still helps me push that level every time I train with her.

    You tell her your goals, she will get you there.

  • Walk Your Way to Faster Running
  • RED-S; Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport
  • Periodisation Deep Dive
  • Low Energy Availability (LEA):
  • How do we burn calories? Let me count the ways…
  • Fuel Up to Smash Your Endurance Goals:
  • Supercompensation – the effective but counterintuitive training methodology.
  • Practical Mental Coping Strategies for Endurance Lows
  • Avoiding the Euphoria-Despair Roller Coaster in Endurance Racing
  • The Importance of Periodisation in Endurance Training
  • Monitoring and Managing Fatigue in Endurance Training
  • All About Stress
  • Train your breathing for better race results
  • Does how you breathe really matter?
  • Unlocking Your Athletic Potential: Nature vs. Nurture
  • Recovery: The Unsung Hero of Triumphs
  • Build Consistently, Adapt Relentlessly
  • Minimum effort. Maximum Impact
  • Specificity is KING for Endurance
  • Strength Reigns Supreme in Endurance
  • The 5 Pillars of the DB Training Methodology
  • The Three Biggest Mistakes Endurance Athletes make…
  • Mastering the SAID Principle for Endurance Training Success
  • Mastering Heart Rate Zones for Peak Endurance Performance
  • Can Herbal Adaptogens help Perimenopause? 
  • HIIT – Are you doing it right?
  • Setting your HR Zones & How to Judge Progress
  • How to Test your Lactate Threshold
  • Why Lactate Threshold trumps Max Heart Rate for Endurance Training
  • Golden Rule #5 Extreme Ownership
  • Angie (Athlete)

    Well, what can I say… Been a coaching client of Liza’s for nearly 2 years. What a journey I have been on, both emotionally and physically and Liza has been there for me throughout.

    I was getting stuck in a rut it’s fair to say with regard to progressing and doing the same old routines. Discovered Liza and not looked back. She is inspirational in herself, which has inspired me to set personal goals and achieve them. Have done sporting events over the last 2 years, that I thought I would never accomplish – 100-mile bike rides and 50km Ultramarathon.

    Liza’s commitment to achieving your goals never waivers, and she is there for you to give you the encouragement and grit you need to get through (even when she is not physically with you as well – can always hear her words of wisdom when times get hard to push me through).

    Need a push, a change in lifestyle, or a new challenge then Liza has all the essential skills and experience to get you to where you want to be.

    You’re one superstar!

  • Walk Your Way to Faster Running
  • RED-S; Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport
  • Periodisation Deep Dive
  • Low Energy Availability (LEA):
  • How do we burn calories? Let me count the ways…
  • Fuel Up to Smash Your Endurance Goals:
  • Supercompensation – the effective but counterintuitive training methodology.
  • Practical Mental Coping Strategies for Endurance Lows
  • Avoiding the Euphoria-Despair Roller Coaster in Endurance Racing
  • The Importance of Periodisation in Endurance Training
  • Monitoring and Managing Fatigue in Endurance Training
  • All About Stress
  • Train your breathing for better race results
  • Does how you breathe really matter?
  • Unlocking Your Athletic Potential: Nature vs. Nurture
  • Recovery: The Unsung Hero of Triumphs
  • Build Consistently, Adapt Relentlessly
  • Minimum effort. Maximum Impact
  • Specificity is KING for Endurance
  • Strength Reigns Supreme in Endurance
  • The 5 Pillars of the DB Training Methodology
  • The Three Biggest Mistakes Endurance Athletes make…
  • Mastering the SAID Principle for Endurance Training Success
  • Mastering Heart Rate Zones for Peak Endurance Performance
  • Can Herbal Adaptogens help Perimenopause? 
  • HIIT – Are you doing it right?
  • Setting your HR Zones & How to Judge Progress
  • How to Test your Lactate Threshold
  • Why Lactate Threshold trumps Max Heart Rate for Endurance Training
  • Golden Rule #5 Extreme Ownership
  • Charlotte (Nutrition Client)

    My nutrition journey with Liza has changed the way I think about the food I put into my body. I have always struggled to have a healthy relationship with food since I suffered from an eating disorder in my late teens to early 20s. Although as I headed toward my 30s I no longer suffered, I still had an unhealthy relationship with food and still saw carbs as ‘bad’ as well as a lack of balance or control over what I ate.

    Training with Liza has made me stronger and fitter however my diet did not change which really slowed down any progress I was making. Liza educated me on macros and showed me a healthy way to track what I ate to ensure I, as a vegan, am eating enough protein on a daily basis (I wasn’t). As soon as I started tracking my macros my body responded very quickly and leading up to my wedding after back surgery I was really noticing a huge difference in my shape. Having back surgery meant I was unable to train however, tracking macros along with having a balanced diet saw me reach my wedding day goals and feel bloody amazing about my figure.

    Liza has not only educated me on how important macros can be for getting everything out of your training and goals. She has helped me develop a healthy relationship with food which I never thought could be possible”

  • Walk Your Way to Faster Running
  • RED-S; Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport
  • Periodisation Deep Dive
  • Low Energy Availability (LEA):
  • How do we burn calories? Let me count the ways…
  • Fuel Up to Smash Your Endurance Goals:
  • Supercompensation – the effective but counterintuitive training methodology.
  • Practical Mental Coping Strategies for Endurance Lows
  • Avoiding the Euphoria-Despair Roller Coaster in Endurance Racing
  • The Importance of Periodisation in Endurance Training
  • Monitoring and Managing Fatigue in Endurance Training
  • All About Stress
  • Train your breathing for better race results
  • Does how you breathe really matter?
  • Unlocking Your Athletic Potential: Nature vs. Nurture
  • Recovery: The Unsung Hero of Triumphs
  • Build Consistently, Adapt Relentlessly
  • Minimum effort. Maximum Impact
  • Specificity is KING for Endurance
  • Strength Reigns Supreme in Endurance
  • The 5 Pillars of the DB Training Methodology
  • The Three Biggest Mistakes Endurance Athletes make…
  • Mastering the SAID Principle for Endurance Training Success
  • Mastering Heart Rate Zones for Peak Endurance Performance
  • Can Herbal Adaptogens help Perimenopause? 
  • HIIT – Are you doing it right?
  • Setting your HR Zones & How to Judge Progress
  • How to Test your Lactate Threshold
  • Why Lactate Threshold trumps Max Heart Rate for Endurance Training
  • Golden Rule #5 Extreme Ownership
  • Anna (Nutrition Client)

    I started nutritional coaching with Liza in around September 2021 all in a bid to get healthier and prepare for my wedding. Liza worked out two calorie targets to help me hit my goals. One was based on a higher activity level, and one on a lower level, depending on my week.

    I think it’s clear now that I was not eating enough calories in a day and at first, I was surprised how many calories I should eat.

    Liza introduced me to a group of other members all of which were on their own nutritional journey. This was really helpful as we encouraged each other to keep tracking and offer tips and advice. Liza was really clued up and on hand to give advice where needed. It was a non-judgemental space which needed and allowed me to be honest with my tracking.

    I enjoy a drink at the weekend and a ‘treat’ at the weekend. I could still do this and never felt I had to go without.

    Liza also assisted with macronutrients and tailormade a ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates to accelerate my success. This wasnt easy but again, Liza was on hand to help and offer products that were of benefit to my goals.

    I can feel the difference in my energy levels both during and not during workouts, and most importantly- for me- I can feel a difference in my clothes and appearance and feel much more confident.

    I will continue to track and manage macros as it has become routine now the best thing that has worked for me!

  • Walk Your Way to Faster Running
  • RED-S; Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport
  • Periodisation Deep Dive
  • Low Energy Availability (LEA):
  • How do we burn calories? Let me count the ways…
  • Fuel Up to Smash Your Endurance Goals:
  • Supercompensation – the effective but counterintuitive training methodology.
  • Practical Mental Coping Strategies for Endurance Lows
  • Avoiding the Euphoria-Despair Roller Coaster in Endurance Racing
  • The Importance of Periodisation in Endurance Training
  • Monitoring and Managing Fatigue in Endurance Training
  • All About Stress
  • Train your breathing for better race results
  • Does how you breathe really matter?
  • Unlocking Your Athletic Potential: Nature vs. Nurture
  • Recovery: The Unsung Hero of Triumphs
  • Build Consistently, Adapt Relentlessly
  • Minimum effort. Maximum Impact
  • Specificity is KING for Endurance
  • Strength Reigns Supreme in Endurance
  • The 5 Pillars of the DB Training Methodology
  • The Three Biggest Mistakes Endurance Athletes make…
  • Mastering the SAID Principle for Endurance Training Success
  • Mastering Heart Rate Zones for Peak Endurance Performance
  • Can Herbal Adaptogens help Perimenopause? 
  • HIIT – Are you doing it right?
  • Setting your HR Zones & How to Judge Progress
  • How to Test your Lactate Threshold
  • Why Lactate Threshold trumps Max Heart Rate for Endurance Training
  • Golden Rule #5 Extreme Ownership