
Client Data Protection

Your Personal Information

Due to changes in data protection laws, which came into force in May 2018, all clients need to be fully aware of all personal data held by Different Breed and they must Opt-in to this data being held.

This document provides details about the Personal Information held by Forza Fitness. It should be read alongside the Different Breed Data Protection Policy.

Once you have read and understood both documents, please sign and date the declaration at the end of this document to show that you:

  1. Opt in to being contacted by Different Breed
  2. Opt In to your information being kept
  3. Understand what information is held and why
  4. Understand that you have the right to demand that the information held be destroyed if you are no longer a client

What Personal Information is held, why and how it is stored:

Client PAR-Q
This is the legal document you complete when becoming a coaching client. It proves that you are fit to train and is kept in accordance with insurance requirements. It is stored in as either an electronic or paper file, depending on how you signed up.

Client Questionnaire
This is a document you complete when becoming a client. It gives more detailed information about your health and fitness. This is kept for information purposes only and as recommended by best practice. It is stored in as either an electronic or paper file depending on how you signed up.

Client-Trainer Agreement
This is the agreement you sign when becoming a face to face client. It sets out the terms of the relationship and is kept to protect both parties. It is stored in as either an electronic or paper file, depending on how you signed up.

What other information is held, why and how it is stored:
Emails: All emails sent and received are stored on my password protected email account.

Information held on the Different Breed Platforms
If you sign up and use RYPT, Training Peaks or Intelligent Cycle any and all information recorded on it is stored securely on the app’s host platform

What happens if Different Breed is hacked, or threatened with a hack:
In the event of a threat or actual hack all clients will be notified immediately via email. This email will details as much info as possible about the threat or hack, including the risk to clients. Both the website and linked email account are maintained by an external source and Different Breed pay a monthly maintenance fee to ensure both are protected as much as possible.

What happens if you stop becoming a client:
If you are no longer a client of Different Breed you have the right to demand that all held information be destroyed. In the case of the electronically held information this can be done with you present. In the case of the paper held files you will be given these so that you can destroy them as you see fit. You will be asked to sign a document to declare that this process has been actioned.

Client Declaration

    Your email:
